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The Industrial Engineering Profession is collectively organized by the Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers (PIIE), supported by the Industrial Engineering Certification Board (IECB) through a structured recognition and certification process in relation to the standardized practice of Industrial Engineering in the Republic of the Philippines.


A member of the Industrial Engineering occupational group organized by the Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers, its duly sworn-in members shall abide by these basic principles:

1.     Sees other members, including those employed elsewhere, as peers/colleagues
2.     Exercises judgment in the performance of occupational tasks and follows relevant professional standards.
3.     Accepts the profession's agreement to work in a morally permissible way (often expressed as a code of ethics) as determining in part the obligations of the role.




Rule 1. The industrial engineer shall, in the practice of his profession, be governed by the Golden Rule, the ideals of service to man and his/her environment, and the indispensability of unwavering public confidence in his/her professional competence, integrity and humanity.


Rule 2. The industrial engineer shall maintain the pride for his/her profession, observe the standards of professional practice, safeguard the dignity, welfare, and reputation of his/her colleagues in the professions, and fulfill his/her duties and obligations as a citizen of the Republic of the Philippines.


Rule 3. The ethical principle governing the industrial engineer applies equally to partnerships, firms and entities organized and existing for the practice of industrial engineering.




Rule 4. The industrial engineer shall honor and respect the supreme authority of the Republic of the Philippines, the Rule of Law, the primacy of the general welfare, the fundamental rights of persons, and the obligations and privileges of citizens recognized and guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines.


Rule 5. The industrial engineer shall cooperate fully with the State in the pursuit of national development plans and programs, the inviolability of national security, the promotion of peace, and the prevention and/or prosecution of unjust, criminal or unlawful acts and omissions.





Rule 6. The industrial engineer holds paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public. When the industrial engineer discovers faulty, inefficient or unsafe work systems, the industrial engineer shall primarily assess how to correct the situation and immediately report to the proper authority, public or private, for the immediate and effective correction, regardless of whether or not he is responsible for said place, work or situation; in the context of being an active professional contributing to the development of his/her community.




Rule 7. The industrial engineer shall be familiar with the relevant policies on Labor and Social Justice, as well as applicable labor and social legislation and shall observe faithfully these policies and laws in his/her dealings with labor in general, and with his/her workmen in particular.


Rule 8. The Industrial Engineer shall use his/her knowledge to improve the skills of his/her workforce, recommend a fair living wage, and instruct them on how to increase their productivity.




Rule 9. The industrial engineer shall observe punctuality in his/her appointments, perform honestly and in good faith his/her contractual obligation and his/her duties and obligations to his/her client or employer, and observe fair dealing in his/her relations with his/her clients and employers.


Rule 10. The industrial engineer shall treat with confidentiality any information obtained by him as to the business affairs and technical methods or processes of a client or employer.


Rule 11. The industrial engineer shall inform his/her client or employer of his/her business connections, interests, or affiliations which may influence his/her judgment, or impair the quality or character of his/her services.


Rule 12. The industrial engineer shall avoid deceptive acts.


Rule 13. The industrial engineer shall render professional services in their areas of competence.




Rule 14. The industrial engineer shall build their professional reputation on the merit of their professional services and shall not compete unfairly with others.


Rule 15. The industrial engineer shall conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so as to enhance the honor, reputation, and usefulness of the industrial engineering profession.


Rule 16. The industrial engineer shall give credit for engineering work to those to whom credit is due; and will recognize the proprietary interests of others.




Industrial engineers found violating any of the provisions of the code shall be meted with administrative sanctions such as fines and suspension or revocation of certification and/or membership from the organization as indicated by its separate and approved code of conduct for its members.



This Code of Ethics shall take effect after approval by the Board of Trustees of the Philippines Institute of Industrial Engineers. 

This Code of Ethics applies to all who took the oath as member of the Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineering.

    This Code of Ethics applies across the board as published in the Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers website as a symbol of circulation and depository of its approved contents.



Crafted and Endorsed by:


Industrial Engineering Certification Board

July 16, 2019


Approved by:


Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers
August 15, 2019